I hate when I lose things at work, like pens, papers, sanity, dreams and any opportunity to socialize with my friends. let me just get to the point. I was panting with my extremely lengthy to-do- list and was worried about completing all my stuff at work so that I can keep my promises to my gang of girls. Yes! The three promises. First of all, to turn up to the garba raas ? I have a bad reputation with my attendance in parties. Secondly, to reach on time and the third promise was to be dressed appropriately.

Let me share with you what I did to my #OutfitOfTheDay I chose to wear something so that I would refrain from going back home for a change-over. A pair of ruffled black pant with a cape-sleeved red kurti, was the pick of the day. I planned to play around with jewelries and belts so I packed up some accessories to go with the occassion.