“A Company’s Culture Is The Foundation For Future Innovation, And Fashion Is An Indispensable Part Of Our Culture!”

Every occasion, situation and place possess rules of style! But Hello? Patterns change and they change for good. Work place attire etiquette are now much more eased out than a few years ago. Yes, freedom to express your fashion sense is much more today than ever before. The ‘boss’ is focussing on productivity and one way that they have found to accelerate the team’s output is, their sense of comfort. Feeling good today, is a powerful component of the tool kit at work. The advent of ” Corporate Styling” found it’s way here.

The restrictions like the business-tailored-suits, fitted pencil skirts and buttoned-up jackets have given way to softer, cut, cold shoulders, prints which are not only checks but floral too. Assertive attires have replaced the conservative ones.
High waist skirts, shift dresses, culottes, flared pants and mix-and-match prints are worn more liberally today. Pastel colours are particularly go-to- and a punch of bold colours are not considered a no-no anymore!
Ruffled tops, coloured pant-suits, A-line skirts, drape kurtas and top handle bags are few of the top trends this year #2018. Women can now maintain a balance between the business-like repertoire and pure stylishness at work.
‘Business-Casuals’ is the term used more frequently. The workplace today is super-dynamic and hardly will you hear something like a 9 to 6 profile. ‘Desk to Dinner’ is the call of the day, and one is suppose to be ever-ready for it!