“Life is a journey that is meant to be embraced to the fullest every day. However, that doesn’t mean you always wake up ready to seize the day, and sometimes need a reminder that life is a great gift.”
I owe an apology to all of you for not being around. I did miss out on writing but you know this ‘Authors’ Block’ thingy! So, it is time to quarantine or shall we call it socially isolating ourselves by staying home and fight CoronaVirus by doing just nothing?? Well well, I have a different take on this. How about taking this downtime as the best time to learn and unlearn few skills you never got time for.
Learn To Delegate the house chores. I have been freelancing for a while now and trust me, I did think that it is no biggy to stay home and enjoy the time well-spent with husband and kids. To quite an extent I am right about it. Since the house maids too are on quarantine and chilling with their respective familia, it is pretty easy to get worked-up with the house chores. Delegate and share responsibilities. We don’t really know how long this pandemic is going to last.
Meditate. Just 20 minutes of our 24 hours, sit in a relax position, close your eyes, focus on your breathe, thereby disconnecting from all the worries and noises around you like, what to cook, do I have enough grocery, when will Covid19 go, when can I get back to running outdoors, how long do I wait to catch up with my friends, when can we go to dine out, should I clean up the rooms first or cook the breaky and then start the house chores…pheew..Okay, RELAX! Once you start feeling that you are in the moment, start affirming a positive statement to yourself. Self-talk is an amazing way to stay positive. Practice Yoga. Benefits of Yoga can not be undermined. Muscle strength, toning your body, mind and soul. De-stress by doing Yoga in the morning hours of the day, before you are overtaken by the to-do-list.
Read. Finally it is time to dust off the books which has been there on the book shelf as a piece of decorative art. This is the time you can start reading. Don’t go overboard and start with Alchemist. Take baby steps if you haven’t read for a while. A great way to start reading is with some self-help books and I still swear by ‘You Can Win’ by Shiv Khera, to be the first book one should read! Nothing can substitute the smell of a book (I hear you, my dear bibliophiles) but during this shutdown period, if you are not able to buy one, Kindle is still my favourite Ahaa 😉 someone is patronising Amazon!
Dress Up and Show Up. Now, this is a very cheesy thing to do if you aren’t a blogger. But trust me it is fun. Take out all those outfits you bought online (or offline) to flaunt them on Sunday brunch or the clubbing spree. Wear them. Click pictures. Upload. Purpose met! Well, I DO mean playing the age old game of dress-up which we did either when we were little (about 5 YO) or if we are a blogger who needs to click self-portraits at any random moment. Although, I always heard my friends saying that Work-From-Home is so cool since you get to set your own hours, at the comfort of home, meetings in pyjamas, take a three hour lunch break without upsetting your team. Trust me it isn’t easy. All of these pros are actually distractions and challenges never-ending attempt to maintain productivity. It is a mind game, you see. If we dress up professionally during our official working hours we allow ourselves control over our attitude, thereby enhancing productivity! For some inspiration you can check Komal out! Ahha not a friends, but i meant THE @KomalPandeyOfficial
Party. Yes, you read that right. Didn’t you hear about the Zoom parties all across the globe? Schedule a family/friends meetup. Get dressed up, and show up with your best backdrop. Download the ZOOM app from here at the earliest and throw a virtual party, immediately, if you haven’t ye!
Watch Movies. You have heard of movie marathon right, but you never had that kind of time. So, what are you waiting for. Ensure you have stocked popocorn, enough to last until you are so done with the movies!
Play Board Games. It is safe to say, you have never played board games like carrom, monopoly, business, ludo for a while, especially with the kiddos in the block! You better brush up on that because the kids in the house are pro. We are having an amazing time lately, thansk to the #StayHomeAndChill. Post dinner, is the time when we play ‘name, place, animal, things’, atlas, pictionary, dumb charades and even spellathon.
Try the classic cocktail. From Cape Codder to Black Russian. How about experimenting them with some home ingrediates and nothing fancy though. Read few of the recipes of cocktails you can try at home this quarantine, here!
Bake. You have all the time to mess up with the ingredients. The whole wide world is baking these days so you have no derth of recipes. YouTube, Instagram or just watch few episodes of Kids baking Championship for the easiest recipes.
Organize Your Photo Gallery. This is one of that work, i never gave importance to but well, it is important! The other day I was listening to JayShetty’s podcast, ” 11 Indoor Activities To Reduce Stress, Beat Bordom & Boost Positivity”. It wasust amazing. Please please plesae, listen to him here, and you will thank me for sure!
Colouring Books. It is not only for the kids, mind you. there are quite a few, free colouring apps that you can download, if you don’t have a coloring book. Like ColourTherapy for Apple users, Colorfy and Happy Colour for Android users.
The list is pretty long, and i m sure you have many more to add here. I am looking forward to them. Surely we have many things that we should unlearn too. Like being judgemental, taking life too seriously, and over-stressed about when will the lockdown be over. We are all waiting for that day, when we can walk down the street, without a mask may be? And stretching our arms, looking up into the lush blue sky, say : I AM BACK! But Until then, let us contribute by staying indoors, and remaining positive towards life! #ApireToInspire
Until then Obrigada Amigo 🙂