- I can start my silly dancing anywhere. Trust me, anywhere!
- I feel like a unicorn. Initially I used to feel isolated but now it makes me feel extremely powerful.
- I am an Air sign and love my space, liberty and inquisitivity.
- I have a razor sharp intuition. Well that doesn’t mean I know everything but my instinct about people, events and situations are SPOT-ON!
- I am a quote junkie. Any piece of writing that speaks truth in a beautiful and powerful manner, gets me.
- I suffer from STML but my Long Term memory is astonishingly impressive. I can forgive but can not forget.
- Breakfast is my favorite meal but I usually forget to eat one.
- I am an opacarophile. Yes! I am a lover of sunset.
- I am a huge manifestor and surprisingly I didn’t know about this, until I read The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Mathew Joseph.
- I do yoga for mental health.
- When I feel anxious, I listen to positive affirmations and Podcasts.
- I love learning. I am weirdly curious about unknown.
- I graduated with Psychology in my bachelors, did an MBA and then became a certified Instructional Designer. After which I earn my degree in Training and Development, and by profession I am a Master Trainer in Corporate Etiquette. I learnt digital marketing and fashion publicity, when I started my personal blog.
- My love for books started very late, I guess in my mid-20s!
- I never lied about my age and I don;t get why people do. I love getting older. I am 38, and waiting to be ‘Naughty Forty’! 😉
- I search for meaning and purpose in smallest of things, to an extent that I may judge you for every move that you take in the game of chess.
- I love writing because it helps me to process my thoughts. I have a journal, where I jot down anything that comes to my mind and impresses me!
- I speak in hyperbole, almost always! I EXAGGERATE while talking, A LOT! 😉
- I have a “unique” to walk right past somebody, i know, without saying a Hi!… Because I am lost in thoughts.
- I believe, we all are energy and we all have vibrations.