I used to purchase clothes, much more than I wore!I used to re-think before repeating an outfit to go out with friends!I used to find a sense of solace in retail therapy ! Until something changed.. I read books, I saw documentaries and I studied. I realized that Slow Fashion was the only way to calm my inconsolable guilt of advocating fast fashion.
Kat Collings, said it so well, ” Slow fashion is about consuming and creating fashion consciously and with integrity. It connects social and environmental awareness with the pleasure of wearing beautiful, well-made and lasting clothing! “
I am sharing with you few books which you may read to understand, the WHATs, WHYs and HOWs of Slow Fashion!
1] The Conscious Closet by Elizabeth L Cline
2] How To BreakUp With Fast Fashion by Lauren Bravo
3] Fashionopolis by Dana Thomas
4] Slave To Fashion by Safia Minney
5] OverDressed by Elizabeth L Cline
6] Naked Fashion by Safia Minney
7] We Are What We Wear by Lucy Siegle
8] A Lifeless Throwaway by Tara Button
9] Wardrobe Crisis by Clare Press
10] To Die For by Lucy Siegle
Cheap Fashion has fundamentally changed the way most of the people dress up today. These books will sure inspire you to vote for slow fashion, as this is the right time when the recklessness of consumerism need to be toned down!
Slow Fashion is purposeful. It is intentional. It is holistic and it considers the whole product life cycle! By choosing slow fashion we are choosing fair wage and better working environment for the workforce behind the manufacturing of the garments, we love to wear!
In order to be woke about the detrimental impact of fast fashion and WHY slow fashion is the call of the day, I am sharing with you, my top 10 documentaries, to watch and understand the answer of the question, WHY SLOW FASHION!
1] The True Cost
2] The Machinists
3] Unravel
4] Minimalism
5] Bitter Seeds
6] Walmart: The High Cost Of Low Price
7] Stacey Dooley Investigates Fashion Dirty Secrets
8] Alex James: Slowing Down Fast Fashion
9] The Next Black
10] Riverblue
If you missed the date to sign up for @slowfashionseasonlet me tell you, the Slow FAshion MOvement is on and you just need to log on to www.slowfashion.org and sign up for this amazing campaign!

By choosing slow fashion, encourage yourself to opt for locally made products, biodegradable fabrics and stay fashionable in a responsible way! I hope this post helps you to understand about the detrimental impact of your fashion choices if you are still buying from fast fashion brands! Looking forwards to self-evolution in this fashion revolution!
Much Love