“Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything!” Local libraries were a treasure trove for us, when we were kids. The story-telling sessions, summer reading contests, …
8 Awesome things about Summers
” Hair gets lighter, Skin gets darker, Water gets warmer, Drinks get colder, Music gets louder, Night gets longer, LIFE gets better, It’s all about summer..” It’s extremely hot. Especially this summer that I am back …
Fashion Is Black
I was not surprised when the meeting ended with an elaborate discussion why the color ‘Black’ was staple and the whole team was suppose to wear only black from that day onward. I don’t know …
Do You Have Some Time For “ME”!?
When I chose to be a mommy, I had no freaking idea, what I’m getting into. Well, I just knew I wanted to have babies. Lots of them. Adorable ones. Whom I could hug and …
Colours Play Magic On Your Mind and Soul (and your Brand)
Colour is an extremely dominant tool of communication. It has a strong impact on human subconscious psychic. Colour has a psychology of its own and it is because of which it takes just 90 seconds …
A Hand Full Of Polka Dots
DO you guys ever get the feeling like maybe you were born in the wrong decade? I really feel like I would’ve killed it in the 1960’s, which is no doubt the best era for …